Monday, November 29, 2021

What does Mars in different signs stand for?

 Mars, otherwise known as the god of war, represents total masculinity as its essence.  Some of us exude energy and ambition with every step we take. These are initially the children of Mars. He is the planet of action, courage, passion, and sexuality. A person who is easily provoked comes under the influence of Mars. Beneficial...

What is Bandhan Yoga/Jail Yoga?

"Bandhana" refers to a state of being tied up in shackles, incarcerated due to no crime/crime committed, or isolated with no hopes for revival. A native with this yoga usually ends up being imprisoned, or he may spend part of/an entire lifetime in isolation. For the Bandhana yoga to be operational, the lord of Lagna, moon and...

Friday, November 26, 2021

Which Nakshatra Is Compatible With Magha Nakshatra?

Magha nakshatra is all about power, gifts, and wealth. Therefore, the person who is born in Magha nakshatra receives power and wealth in life. In astrology, this Nakshatra is among the Adhomukhi nakshatras because of its downwards mouth. It is said that adhomukhi nakshatras’ effect makes mining, temples, tanks, well etc. things...

Friday, November 19, 2021

Rahu – Jupiter - राहु के बाद गुरु की महादशा कैसे बदल सकती है आपका जीवन

जो भी ज्योतिष में विश्वास रखता है या इस विषय में थोड़ा भी ज्ञान रखता है तो वह ग्रह दशा के महत्व के विषय में ज़रूर अवगत होगा। मानव जीवन में ग्रह दशा के महत्व को नहीं बदला जा सकता। इन दशाओं के कारण बड़े बदलाव देखने को मिलते हैं। दशा को बदलना जीवन को कई बार पूर्ण रूप से बदल देने वाला भी साबित हो सकता है। प्रत्येक ग्रह/planets की...