Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Which planet is beneficial in the 11th house?

The whole zodiac is segmented in 12 portions and our astrology and horoscope also keep this zodiac segmentation as its basis. In the astrological or natal chart, the 12 portions are referred to as houses or Bhav and each Bhav holds a certain value and controls specific life aspects. The planets in our Kundali react...

Friday, October 22, 2021

What happens if Jupiter goes in the 8th house in your birth chart?

Jupiter, being the biggest planet, holds a great value and significance in astrology as well as astronomy. It is known as the master of light science. Jupiter has a great influence on controlling planets’ movement. When Jupiter goes in the 8th house of birth chart of a native, some significant changes are sure to happen. Dr....

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

How do Rahu and Ketu affect us as per Vedic astrology?

Rahu and Ketu – two important planets in the zodiac and often called up together. With the origin of these two planets, there is a mythological story backed up to Samudra Manthan. It is believed that Rahu Ketu are not actually two but one. At the time of Samudra Manthan, the Amrit pot emerged and Mohini – the incarnation of...

Why D-12 Charts Hold Utmost Importance in Vedic Astrology?

A vedic or known astrologer usually reads divisional charts along with birth charts for giving accurate marriage predictions as per your birth chart.Dwadasamsa or D-12 chart is one of the most critical astrology tools that describe a native’s parents and childhood phase. Even with a thorough review of the D-12 chart, astrology experts can tell you about any hidden treasure you’d receive from your...